The Wendy’s Franchise Association is open for business!!

In the past few weeks, we’ve shared information about the new franchise association. As we continue to build the foundation for our association, we’re excited to launch our membership campaign!

Our goal is to represent 100% of the Wendy’s franchise system.  We will seek your opinions on important issues and ensure the franchise owner’s point of view is heard.  We invite you to join us and be an active member of the WFA.

What do we want to accomplish?

  • Maximize franchise owner engagement through credible communication
  • Facilitate a mutually respectful relationship with brand leadership
  • Provide exceptional member benefits
  • Develop future leaders and support Next Gen owners
  • Ensure that Dave Thomas’ legacy and the Wendy’s culture endures

Who will we represent?

All Wendy's owners are welcome to join the Wendy’s Franchise Association. Whether you are a single unit restaurant operator or you own 300, the WFA will represent the interests of all Wendy’s owners.  And, we intend to have representation on the board and committees of small, medium and large organizations.

What’s in it for you?

We are committed to providing exceptional benefits that support the growth and success of your business.  Click here to read about the kinds of benefits you’ll receive as a member of the association.

How much does it cost?

Annual dues are $150 US per store. Our fiscal year is July 1 – June 30, so if you join now, your membership will be active until June 30, 2020.  And, if you join before the Wendy’s convention in September, you’ll be designated as a Founding Member of the association.

How do I join?

We’d love to have you! Visit and join today.

Want to get involved?

We will send a survey to all Wendy’s owners in a few weeks.  We want to know about the issues that are important to you, what you want to get out of your association membership and, if you’d like to serve on a committee, what special skills and expertise you have (marketing, financial, legal, etc.).

Still have questions?

Ask us! Email us at or call one of the board members.